Pestill Multifunction ElectroSonic Pest Repeller

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Warranty: 6 Months

Rid your home of pests using a combination of ultrasonic, electromagnetic and anion technologies — all completely safe and non-toxic.

  • Three technologies in one!

  • Deter rodents, cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes and more

  • Sound waves and pulses remain undetected by adults, children and pets

  • Doesn’t require any refills – just plug in for long-term protection

  • Place in the home, outdoor shed, cafes, kitchens and more

The Pestill Multifunction ElectroSonic Pest Repeller utilises ultrasonic frequencies and electromagnetic pulses to deter common household pests. These frequencies and pulses cannot be detected by humans, but are aggravating to small rodents and insects.

Air purifying anion technology releases negative ions into the air, which kill odours, bacteria and other contaminants that may attract insects.

The repeller has four modes which allow you to use each of the three repellent technologies separately or all together. Varying the modes can prevent pests from becoming accustomed to the repellents.


  • Negative ion generator

  • Ultrasonic vibration

  • Electromagnetic pulse

  • Soft, blue night light

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Pestill Multifunction ElectroSonic Pest Repeller
